Founder's Journey
Building a company is filled with moments when you’re flying high on success and moments where you can’t figure out what’s causing the app to crash and you were supposed to stop working an hour ago. In these joys and struggles, the identity of a business is forged. These stories share our experiences as we build Loam.
How to Train Clients to Give Great Feedback
One of the most challenging aspects of our work is to gather feedback from clients. Read more
Thank an OSS Maintainer
As I sit down to work today and reflect on the tools I have in front of me, I have trouble finding code that isn’t the result of open source software. Read more
The Law of Accumulation
A vision for a better future is motivating and inspiring. It motivates us to act. It helps us prioritize our efforts. As business leaders, our job is to provide vision and direction to our companies. We are captains of the good ship Dream Job Inc. and we chart its course.... Read more
On Love and Business
At Loam our mission is to provide people with the tools they need to bring their ideas to life. Read more
Defining Success So It Lasts
Founders of companies are often encouraged to chart a grand vision of what they will accomplish. Visions can be powerful motivators, but they can also be the cause of crushing disappointment. In the past few months I have struggled with my view of success. Until recently, success for me meant... Read more
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